Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that develops in a woman’s cervix which is the entrance to her womb. Cervical cancer is termed the fourth most common cancer among women globally.
The popularity of this particular cancer has birthed fear among people which may have perhaps led to a number of myths that are now popularly associated with this cancer. In this blog post, we would be discussing the various myths that are commonly associated with cervical cancer.
Some common myths
1. It cannot be prevented
Cervical cancer can be prevented. This cancer mostly occurs as a result of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is commonly transmitted through sexual intercourse. To help prevent this, you should get vaccinated against HPV and also have regular screening tests to stay up-to-date on your body.
2. It only affects old women
Although older women might have a higher risk of getting cervical cancer, younger women can also be affected too! This cancer is not particular to any age, and adequate prevention measures should be carried out to avoid possibilities and also reduce the chances of getting cervical cancer.
3. Screening is not necessary without symptoms
Don’t wait till you notice some symptoms before going for a cervical cancer screening. More often than not, you reduce your chances of getting better. Go for a screening today, and tell one or two women you know to go for theirs too.
4. Cervical Cancer happens to only sexually active people
HPV and Cervical Cancer can occur as a result of many other reasons and are not only contracted through sexual intercourse. Other potential causes are smoking, a weak immune system, long-term use of contraceptives, chlamydia infection, family history, etc.
The surest way to stay protected is to get the HPV vaccine, live healthy as well as go for screenings. It is recommended that from ages 25-65, women should go for cervical cancer screening with an HPV test every five (5) years. This could be even more frequent for women with a family history of cervical cancer. Consult your gynecologist for more information on cervical cancer.