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Got Questions?

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

General Questions

Who is Leadway Health?2022-04-05T15:58:47+01:00

Leadway Health is a subsidiary of Leadway Holdings, and a sister company of Leadway Assurance Company Limited, the leading insurance company in West Africa of over 50 years of insurance experience which our customers have come to know and trust.

What is Health Insurance?2022-04-05T16:05:33+01:00

Health insurance is a form of insurance coverage that covers for your healthcare needs.

Why should I get a Leadway Health plan?2022-04-05T16:05:15+01:00

Leadway Health provides affordable, customer-focused and value-based health insurance packages and services leveraging on digital technology, artificial Intelligence and a wealth of HMO experience. At Leadway Health we work together with YOU to prevent and manage health conditions.

What are the Leadway Health plans?2022-04-05T16:04:44+01:00

We offer Corporate, SME, Retail and International plans and all our plans are designed to provide similar benefits with the only differences in the extent of access on each of the plans. The plans cover you for one year.

What benefits does Leadway Health provide?2022-04-05T16:06:19+01:00

Through our bespoke healthcare plans we offer a diverse range of healthcare services which include Outpatient and Inpatient Hospital Services, Optical and Dental Services, Telemedicine, Emergency services, Mental Health Care, Chronic Disease Management, Advanced Pharmacy Benefit, Home Vaccinations, Access To Fitness Centres And Nutritional Stores, Tailor Made Health tips and so much more.

How much does Leadway Health Plan cost?2022-04-05T16:07:06+01:00

The cost of each of our plans is dependent on the type of plan a customer chooses to purchase.

What factors determine my choice of a Leadway Health Plan?2022-04-05T16:08:30+01:00

Your choice of plan is determined by the cover benefits relevant to you or as chosen by your employer.

Does Leadway Health have an App?2022-04-05T17:17:01+01:00

Yes, the Leadway Health app is available for all via the Android and Apple store. With the Leadway Health App, enrollees can Schedule appointments, Access their E-HMO card, Book telemedicine services, Request emergency care, Track their health, Earn rewards for practicing healthy lifestyle choices and so much more.

How long does it take to access care after enrollment?2022-04-05T16:10:43+01:00

You can start to enjoy access to care as soon as the policy commences. For new registrations on the scheme, care can be accessed within 24 hours of receiving details of the enrollee.

Which services require Pre-Authorizations?2022-04-05T16:11:09+01:00

All other services apart from GP consultation, routine investigations, and emergency care require Pre-Authorization. Pre-authorizations can also be tracked via the Mobile App.

Am I covered for medical emergencies?2022-04-05T16:11:39+01:00

Yes, emergency stabilization is covered on all our plans. A medical emergency is an accidental injury or the sudden and unexpected onset of a condition requiring immediate medical or surgical care.

In the event of an emergency, can I use another health care provider?2022-04-05T16:12:20+01:00

You can access care at any health provider on the HMO hospital network (call the HMO customer care if you require assistance). You are required to contact the HMO or your HR representative (directly or through your co-workers) to inform them of the situation.

Can I access care without my Identification card?2022-04-05T16:12:53+01:00

Yes, All Members registered can access care on the policy with the issued member numbers, E-cards on the APP or the physical HMO card.

Can I access care while travelling outside my usual area of residence?2022-04-05T16:13:38+01:00

Enrollees are allowed to roam across preferred hospitals within their hospital band. You can choose to use any hospital available on your plan pan-Nigeria.

When will my ID card be delivered?2022-04-05T16:14:05+01:00

Upon receipt and verification of completed registration details, ID cards are delivered within one week however, member numbers are sent within 24hours.

How can I locate a Hospital, Doctor and Healthcare Practitioner?2022-04-05T16:14:53+01:00

A list of our contracted providers can be found in the hospital directory shared with you or your HR team or via the Mobile App.

How do I choose my health care provider?2022-04-05T16:15:29+01:00

We have an extensive network of providers and we advise that you choose a health care provider near where you live or work within your hospital band. In the event of an emergency, you can access care from any provider from within and outside our network. Our contact center is available 24/7 to help you navigate this.

Which bills do I pay for at my health care providers?2024-07-26T17:11:25+01:00

Leadway Health enrollees do not pay for covered services on the health plan. In the event of any doubt, always call the customer care center for assistance on 02012801051/07080627051 or by sending an e-mail to

How do you monitor the activities of the hospitals?2022-04-05T16:19:08+01:00

Our Providers services and quality assurance team carries out initial credentialing and periodic monitoring of contracted hospitals on our scheme. Unscheduled visits are also made to these health facilities to ensure compliance.

Can I use other hospitals not on your network?2022-04-05T16:19:34+01:00

No, an Out- of-Network hospital can ONLY be used in an emergency situation. If you decide to use it according to preference; please note that reimbursement will be at our IN-network provider’s rate for your plan type.

Can new hospitals not yet listed by Leadway be introduced to you?2022-04-05T16:19:58+01:00

Yes, we are open to expanding our network and will contract new health care providers who meet our credentialing standards.

Are there any restrictions as to how often a service can be performed?2022-04-05T16:20:26+01:00

Yes, there are some plan benefits that come with limit and same will apply depending on the plan type you are on. Some of these services on the Leadway health plan include Physiotherapy, Renal dialysis, Dental, Optical etc.

Can I get reimbursed for prescribed medications purchased from a pharmacy not on Leadway health’s network?2022-04-05T16:21:04+01:00

No, you will not be reimbursed for medication purchased without approval. Leadway Health runs a Pharmacy benefit scheme in partnership with various pharmacies chains nationwide such as Healthplus, Medplus, Express pharmacy etc. Enrollees can call the customer care for assistance and visit the closest pharmacy to them to pick up their prescriptions.

When will I have to make out of pocket payment?2022-04-05T16:21:34+01:00

An enrollee only pays out of pocket when the treatment is not covered under your plan type, or if you visit a hospital out of Leadway Health’s provider network without prior authorization.

What do I need to process a reimbursement?2022-04-05T16:23:27+01:00

To process reimbursement for services provided outside the Leadway Health provider network, there must be pre-authorisation except in cases of an Emergency. You should contact the HMO within 72 hours, and provide below details within 1 week:
• Comprehensive medical report from the attending doctor
• Original invoices
• Original receipt of payment
• A completed reimbursement form

What is an Exclusion?2022-04-05T16:24:10+01:00

An exclusion is any service not covered under the benefits of a procured health plan. We however do offer services excluded at an affordable fee.

If I lose my card, what should I do?2024-07-26T17:13:25+01:00

Contact us via or call on 02012801051/07080627051 within 24 hours of the loss.

How can I check the status of my reimbursement?2022-04-05T16:25:17+01:00
Where do I send my complaints?2024-07-26T17:10:03+01:00

You send in your complaints by calling our 24/7 customer care team on 02012801051/07080627051 or chatting with us via the mobile app or Whatsapp or sending an e-mail to

Can I call the call centre anytime?2024-07-26T17:15:21+01:00

Retail Plan Questions

Is there an age limit for the retail plan?2022-04-05T16:30:46+01:00

Yes, the retail plan covers ages 0 – 52years however, minors cannot purchase on their own.

What is a pre-existing conditions?2022-04-05T16:31:09+01:00

A pre-existing condition is any medical condition that already existed at the time of purchasing a health plan.

Are pre-existing health conditions covered under the retail plans?2022-04-05T16:31:45+01:00

Yes, all pre-existing and chronic conditions are excluded from the policy in the first year however please refer to the terms and conditions on your policy document for full list of conditions.

Can I pay my premium on a monthly basis?2022-04-05T16:32:27+01:00

No, premium are on annual basis.

Can I add other people on my retail plan?2022-04-05T16:33:00+01:00

Yes, you may wish to add any number of dependents (within the age limit) on your plan at the cost of the chosen plan.

Can I buy a retail plan for my family?2022-04-05T16:33:32+01:00

Yes, you may purchase the plan for your family.

Can I register with more than one hospital?2022-04-05T16:33:59+01:00

Yes, enrollees have access to available hospitals on their plan type.

Can I access a gym under my retail plan?2022-04-05T16:34:49+01:00

No, gym access is only available on group plans

Does the retail plan provide coverage outside Nigeria?2022-04-05T16:35:21+01:00

Yes, for cases that cannot be properly managed in Nigeria, other regions of cover stated on the plan are accessible.

Corporate Plans Questions

How many staff does a company require to be eligible for a corporate plan?2022-04-05T16:36:17+01:00

Minimum of 20 staff for the corporate plan and 10 staff for the SME plan (However SMEs must all be on the same plan).

Are pre-existing health conditions covered under the corporate plans?2022-04-06T16:01:43+01:00

Yes, pre-existing health conditions are covered for all staff. However we ask that you disclose your condition at the commencement of the health plan to benefit from our Chronic Disease Management Program. Click LINK TO REGISTER AND A CALL BACK to find out more.

How can I easily onboard my staff with Leadway Health?2022-04-06T16:02:19+01:00

HR Managers and Business Owners can onboard staff, track coverage packages, generate reports and so much more through our Corporate Portal. Click LINK TO REGISTER AND A CALL BACK to find out more.

Can I register with more than one hospital?2022-04-05T16:40:09+01:00

Leadway Health offers a one-of-a-kind roaming hospital service for all enrollees on the corporate plan. You can access any provider available on your plan type on the go, anywhere in Nigeria.

How will I know if the treatment I need will be covered?2022-04-05T16:40:35+01:00

A summary of benefits coverage for your plan type is made available to your HR team or via the Mobile App.

How many dependants can I register under my corporate plan?2022-04-05T16:41:03+01:00

This is dependent on your company policy. However, standard cover is Staff, Spouse and 4 biological children.

Can I upgrade my plan whenever I wish?2022-04-05T16:41:28+01:00

Upgrades are only allowed at policy inception and renewal. A 30 days grace is provided for this change at each interval.

Do I need a referral to see a specialist physician?2022-04-05T16:42:23+01:00
What services is my baby covered for on the Leadway Health Plan?2022-04-05T16:43:00+01:00

All Newborn babies on the Leadway Health Corporate plan are covered under the mother’s plan within the first 6 weeks of life. Babies should be registered soon after birth to receive care after the neonatal period. In addition to their benefits coverage, babies on the Leadway Health plan receive immunization, well-baby checks at their primary care provider and are covered under the Baby wellness programme.

Can I access medical services outside Nigeria with this plan?2022-04-05T16:44:10+01:00

Yes, you may access care out Nigeria at regions available on your plan type for cases that cannot be properly managed within the country.

Can I subscribe for a Pre-employment test package for my staff even without a Corporate Plan?2023-06-06T10:58:38+01:00

Yes, Leadway Health we offer affordable tailor-made Pre-employment Tests to suit your work environment. CLICK LINK TO FIND OUT MORE.

Providers Questions

How can I join your provider network?2022-04-05T16:51:03+01:00

Healthcare providers such as hospitals, eye and dental clinics, pharmacies, gyms, nutritional stores, etc. that have registered, been screened and approved by our Provider Management Team are eligible to join the Leadway Health Provider Network. Click link to provider registration site to begin.

How soon before we start seeing enrollees in our facility?2022-04-05T16:51:57+01:00

Once you join our provider network, your facility will immediately be made available to all our enrollees.

How long does it take to verify and process approval codes?2022-04-05T16:52:34+01:00

Providers on our network have access to our provider portal (available 24/7) to verify members within seconds and request for approvals which will treated within minutes.

How long does claims payment take?2022-04-05T16:52:59+01:00

Claims are processed immediately after submission and payment made within 24hrs of processing. Payment frequency is according to provider preference with options for daily, weekly and monthly payments, with an automated payment advice and notification.

Who do I contact for more information?2022-04-05T16:53:40+01:00

Senior Citizens Questions

What age is eligible for a Senior Citizen plan?2022-04-05T16:45:28+01:00

Individuals who are 55- 69 years can access this plan and it remains continuous till you stop the plan. However those who are 70 years and above would be subject to medical underwriting.

Can I buy the Senior Citizen plan for my relative?2022-04-05T16:46:27+01:00

Yes, any adult over the age of 18 can buy/gift a health plan for a loved one. Click LINK TO SENIOR CITIZEN REGISTRATION to begin.

Can a senior citizen enrollee use the plan in another country outside Nigeria?2022-04-05T16:46:55+01:00


International Plan Questions

What is an International Plan?2022-04-05T16:47:24+01:00

This plan is for clients who want full coverage in and outside the country.

Does the international plan also cover for travel insurance?2022-04-05T16:47:48+01:00

Yes, there is a complimentary travel insurance cover on the plan.

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